The word "neutral" does not accurately reflect the role of the military


Pakistan Army Spokesman Major General Babar Iftikhar has said that the word 'neutral' is not accurate but a non-political word. The future of Pakistan is only in democracy, there is no martial law. It will not seem, it is a good decision for the institutions to work within the constitutional legal limits, it will remain the same in future also, it is the job of the politicians to decide when the election will be held.

He said in a media briefing that a two-day formation commanders conference was held under the chairmanship of the Army Chief. The participants were briefed on the professional activities of Pakistan Army, situation in the region and internal and external challenges. The armed forces are always ready to deal with any situation. In the last few months, terrorists have tried to disrupt the peace, but they have been thwarted by Pakistan Army soldiers. In the first three months of this year, 128 terrorists were killed. Killed and 270 terrorists were arrested, 97 officers and youths were martyred during these operations, Puri pays tribute to these brave grandsons and their families, the war on terror will continue till the last terrorist is eliminated.

Meanwhile, six Pakistani soldiers were martyred on March 29 in the United Nations peacekeeping mission in Congo for the sake of world peace. So far, 168 officers and men have sacrificed their lives in the UN peacekeeping mission. went. At the conference, the formation commanders appreciated the steps taken for the security of the country, especially in the field of internal law and order, and termed it as the best step in the right direction.

All agreed that democracy, strengthening of institutions, rule of law, operation of all institutions within the ambit of the Constitution is a guarantee of national interest. Public support is a source of strength for the armed forces, its national security is meaningless, intentional or unintentional attempt to divide the army and the people is against the national interest, constructive criticism is appropriate but fabrication of conspiracies based on rumors and Misconduct is unacceptable, organized propaganda campaigns are being launched against the army and military leadership, even using fake fake technology to spread fake messages of retired military officers to spread chaos in the society, which is the enemy of work. Couldn't do it for 7 decades, still won't.

Political parties are requested not to drag the army into politics, the army wants to stay out of politics, baseless misconduct based on rumors is not acceptable, it is better that we leave our decisions to the constitution and law, because only by implementing the law We develop, it is time for all of us individually and collectively to play a role and strengthen the country and institutions so that as a nation we can meet all the challenges well.

Responding to a question, he said that national security depends on political stability, defense is a small part of it, political stability is the main factor that drives everything including economy and security, if there is political instability in the country. He said that what happened in the last few days was part of a political process. These things happen in a democracy but instability came during the day when the new government came. On that day the stock exchange went up and the dollar came down, indicating that to some extent stability is coming, it will take some time to maintain.

According to the news agency, Maj. Gen. Babar Iftikhar, Director General, Public Relations (ISPR), Pakistan Army, in response to a question during a media briefing, said that the position of the military leadership in the meeting of the National Security Council Was given and then a statement of this meeting was issued. I cannot discuss what was discussed in the meeting because it is a matter of privacy. If you look at the announcement of this meeting then what was decided in this meeting. Contained in this statement.

He said that our intelligence agencies are vigilant day and night against such threats and conspiracies and are working against it. The DG ISPR said that it was written in very clear words what was or was not, I do not think the word conspiracy in this statement anywhere. Yes, the minutes of this meeting can be declassified by the government and a couple of days ago the Prime Minister has said that he will convene a meeting of the Parliamentary Security Committee and the Chief of the Armed Forces will continue to attend this meeting. Will give

Asked about the three options placed before former Prime Minister Imran Khan, he said that those options were not put by the Establishment, the Chief of Army Staff was approached by the Prime Minister's Office that in this deadlock. He said that it was unfortunate that the leadership of our political parties was not ready to talk to each other at that time. Probably, one of them was a no-confidence motion, the other was the resignation of the Prime Minister and the third option was for the opposition to withdraw the no-confidence motion and dissolve the Prime Minister's Assemblies and go for new elections.

He said that we took the third option to the then opposition PDM, in front of themHe made the request and after a thorough discussion on it, he said that we will not take any such step now and will carry out our plan but no option was given to the Establishment and was not kept. On nuclear facilities and assets. On Imran Khan's statement, DG ISPR said that we should be a little bit careful about nuclear assets, they are not affiliated with any one political leadership, since Pakistan's nuclear program started, as many governments With all diligence, honesty and loyalty to the country, we have carried forward this nuclear program and brought it to where we are. Has increased

"There is no threat to our nuclear assets and we should not make it part of our political discourse," he said. Responding to a question, the DG ISPR said that he could not discuss the points of discussion in the National Security Committee but I think that the word "conspiracy" was not included in the declaration of the meeting. That the Army Chief wants to extend his tenure and will not accept it, he will complete his term and retire on November 29 this year.

Asked about the US request for military bases, the DG ISPR said that there was no demand for bases from Pakistan. In response to a question, the DG ISPR revealed that the former prime minister had approached the army chief to resolve the political crisis.

Maj. Gen. Babar Iftikhar dismissed rumors circulating on social media about the Establishment meeting with opposition parties, saying that there was no truth in it. If anyone has any evidence, bring it forward, no such contact has taken place, no deal has been reached and there is no such thing.

He said that what is happening on social media is being exacerbated by external influences, there are definitely some cracks which are exacerbated by external influences and then exploited. He said that people's views on politics and national security were being distorted, some of them may be real but it was being exacerbated by external influences which were being shared without confirmation.

"We have to take concerted action to protect our society from these effects. We have to do this at the government level as well as at the individual level. All the institutions have to play their role in this regard," he said. As an institution we have taken our own steps in this regard, the biggest target of the disinformation campaign is our army.

He said that the war we have fought has been fought on the strength of our people. If the people do not stand with the army then look at the situation in the countries which had this situation today. Where has the army gone and what is the situation? He said that there is no threat on the eastern border, we are keeping an eye on it, false flag operations have been carried out by India.

Asked about the battle of impartiality and neutrality within the army, he said, "You may not know that the army operates on the factor of 'Unity of Command'. To date, this has not changed and will never come, God willing. There is no division within the army and the whole army is proud of its leadership.

He said that national security depends on political stability, defense is a small part of it, political stability is the main factor that drives everything including economy and security, if there is political instability in the country then it will definitely. He said that what happened in the last few days was part of a political process. These things happen in a democracy but instability has come during this time. The day the new government came, the stock exchange Gone and the dollar came down, this is an indication that stability is coming to some extent, it will take some time to maintain.

Asked about the non-attendance of Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa at the swearing-in ceremony of newly elected Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif, he said that he was unwell on that day, he had not even come to the office, there was no other reason for it. He said the US withdrawal had created a vacuum in Afghanistan, adding that the current government was still facing a number of challenges. They are also taking action against them. Praise be to Allah, we are able to push back this wave of terrorism.

"I will not name any country. However, if C-Pack is not in the interest of any country, then it is possible that they will take steps to delay it. However, thank God C-Pack is going on. The Hawk Army is doing it itself, it's a huge strategic project and a great manifestation of our friendship with China.

In response to another question, Maj. Gen. Babar Iftikhar said that the word "neutral" may not accurately describe the position of the army and its institutions.Mara constitutional and legal role should not be any kind of political affiliation or involvement in politics, in the last 74 years all political parties have been the same demand from the army that the army has nothing to do with politics, now we put it into practice Comprehensive dress

He said that Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa had also told the political leadership that we want to keep ourselves away from politics. This was also said in a meeting on Gilgit-Baltistan in the presence of all the political leadership and if someone had said that you interfere in politics then the Army Chief had said that we are far away from politics, don't drag us into it any more. ۔

"We have nothing to do with politics. In the last by-elections, no one accused the army of interfering. In the local body elections, no one made any allegations. Earlier, people used to say that there were calls or Phone calls used to come, today someone is saying, this is a very good decision and will continue to be so. DG ISPR said that the former Prime Minister had taken him into confidence before his visit to Russia Institutional opinion was sought and the army was with them in the matter that they should go, on that day no one had any illusions that the day the Prime Minister would be there, they would start the war on the same day which was a cause of great embarrassment. ۔


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