OGRA announces LPG price hike for March

OGRA has announced an increase in the price of LPG for March. The price of LPG has been increased by Rs 27 per kg. ۔ According to Hum News, OGRA has announced an increase in the price of LPG for March. Under which the price of LPG has been increased by Rs. 27 paise per kg, domestic cylinder of LPG of 11.8 kg has been increased by Rs. 318 74 paise.

With the increase in the price of LPG, the new price of one kg of LPG has been fixed at Rs. 233.78 paise. Similarly, the new price of domestic cylinder will be fixed at Rs. The new LPG prices are applicable for March 1, 2022.

In addition, it was decided to open CNG stations in Punjab in phases after 85 days, said Ghias Paracha, leader of All Pakistan CNG Association. The situation will get better from next week.

According to Hum News, Ghias Paracha said in his statement that it has been decided to open CNG stations in Punjab in phases, under which gas will be available in the first week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 am to 5 pm. The situation will get better from next week. He said that restoration of CNG in Punjab would benefit the middle class people and employment of millions of people would be restored. He demanded a permanent solution to the gas crisis. Not importing LNG is destroying the gas sector, revolving credit is also increasing so the uncertainty should be eliminated. Billions of rupees will be reduced in the import bill, pollution will also be reduced.


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